Wednesday 10 October 2018


I noticed how easily we flow with seasons, how naturally we allow them be part of our stories, moments, how they make us happy and nourish us in many, many ways.
I am so grateful for living in the country, it is different pace of living compare to the city life.
Autumn- daily walks to the forest, apple picking and endless apple crumble making, picking leaves and chestnut and making leafy pictures, splashing in the puddles, watching geese in the sky,time with my son, knitting scarf for winter.
feeling peace in the heart and grateful for everything what happens and we have.

Saturday 29 September 2018

'Valtari' and 'Summer in Nairn'

2 Paintings which summarize time, 2 seasons, memories and moments with my son and places. Between winter and summer, between warmth and coldness, between time...


'Summer in Nairn'

Wednesday 19 September 2018


September in Poland. It was still very warm, summer's temperature with autumny landscapes. Beautiful time. My son and I visiting my family, old friends and places. Playparks, parks and nature. It is good to know nad feel that my roots are still there and maybe Elliot has started to grow his little roots there too.

Saturday 11 August 2018


Summer with a toddler, summer full of wonderful moments and memories. We wet our feet in the sea and river, we built a raft from driftwood, we had so many picnics on the grass, built sandcastles, threw so many stones into the water, made our own ice creams, crushed blocks of ice with frozen toys, made imaginary fire with pine cones....and shared joys together 

Moon, stars and bunnies

with love to Elliot, moon and bunnies
  A story about a boy who loves moon and bunnies and stars. It is a childhood memory, joy of being a dreamer and child, free and curious of anything what life brings.

About a boy

Coming back to the acrylics, enjoying black and white colours and catching few memories from last winter.

'About a boy'. Boy discovers every day magic and become fascinated by his own shadow. Memory from childhood, a moment, precious and timeless.
'Winter in Nairn' a memory of last winter at the beach with my son in Nairn (north east of Scotland).
First summer painting. My love, my son, his connection with nature. Moments when we let go, when child is completely focused on here and there, enjoying nature and elements. Watercolours.

2 souls

Two souls. Nature. Land. Peace, sky and water. I felt so much joy painting this piece.

Monday 2 July 2018


I could write so much about him. He is present in every aspect of my life. I am endlessly and deeply grateful for him. He has brought so many changes into our lives but the most important he brought so much love. Love which is beyond everything.

Thank you Elliot.

Monday 28 May 2018

Me now

I have not posted any of my works for a while. However I did manage to do few pieces. Most of my works now are related to Elliot's childhood and his connection with nature and land. They are raw but full of heart at the same time, there are memories and dreams, moments captured in strokes of the brushes.
Painting is still a big part of me. I am grateful that I can nourish that part from time to time.
What makes me happy those days- being with Elliot, sun, being outdoor, gardening, dreaming, reading, painting
What scares me- emotionless mothers and heartless parenting, lack of smiles on people faces.

Thursday 17 May 2018


Day when everything seems to be in the right alignment. not perfect but just right. Maybe all days are like that we just do not acknowledge them. Day when I loose but gain at the same time. Spring, spring, spring, almost overwhelmed by sun and greenness.

Wednesday 2 May 2018


Time away. Time with family. A journey. Time with a book in the evenings. Fresh and happy mind. We all realized how much we needed to go away and change surroundings. We realized how important is to remember to do it again in a while.

Edinburgh. Place which still feels like home to us.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Moon time

Moon can have so many meanings. It can be perceived as a visual object, mystery, energy, force and power, inspiration and even love and character.
 Our moon from our walks to the woods, from our garden, from the books read before bedtime, painted and drawn and loved.

Saturday 10 March 2018

My toddler

My son as a toddler. Beautiful personality comes into the bloom. Every day brings more understanding and more words, lots of words. It is a time of new challenges and discoveries. I am learning through love, I am learning by loving my son to be better person for myself and others too. Every day brings more understanding for me as well, how to love, how to give space and comfort, how to stay calm, patient and compassionate. 

Friday 16 February 2018

Me now

Spring is coming. I can feel it in the air in spite of today's snowfall. Snowdrops are popping out from the ground and unfortunately found first tick too.
Spring is coming. It is like another new beginning,  another fresh start. Winter gave me time. It was time to rediscover myself as a person, gave me time to find the place in myself where I am now and not to be scared to look there but to enter it with joy and acceptance. Being a mother is still processing in me. It is like a puzzle which pieces finally start to come together one by one, slowly creating a whole picture. This picture is me. Being a mother is like living on different planet (thank you Lisa for describing it so well). Planet which I have never lived before. It takes time to understand it, to get through it without resentments of not having time, of loosing yourself for a little while at the beginning.It takes time to feel good in mothers skin.  and Yes mothers gain so much, they gain so much love that there are no words to describe it. I have been reading, following some blogs, came back to yoga and painting a little too. Painting is different now, there is no rush, no aim, just creating, giving myself time to do a little at the time.
Today I was looking at my son, still little toddler. I was thinking that one day he will become a man, a grown up man. It is so good to see him so happy every day, curious, adventurous and always in the present moment. I was thinking what my parents must have thought about me at this age. Did they see it too? That joy of being here and now, that endless love, being grateful for this little, big person in our lives and did they wonder too about me as a little girl who one day would have become a woman and mother?
It is true that we are created to love.

Monday 22 January 2018

Winter diaries

It has been peaceful, snowy, cold and playful winter so far. Beautiful time to grow, being inspired, expand imagination. Beautiful time to keep warm and slow down, just let the days be.